02 October 2007

02 Oct 2007 - Visa Pproblems

Visas Problems Ahhh... problems with visas, but hold on...it's not the end of the world. After initially applying for research visas we've found out today that we can't get hold of these. This means that we will have to re apply for Tourist visas. As a result, we now have two months visas as from the 1st October, this would mean that on the 1st of december we would have to leave the country to renew them. However, we can renew them another month whilst in the country until the 1st January. Come the new year though, we will have to leave Bangladesh because of the visas, and its during this time that we hope to take our weeks holiday either to Thailand or India. If this all goes ok, after the holiday we plan to then go to chandraghona to work in the hospital. If in the worst circumstances though, we can't get into the country again, for the last three months we will be working in Kolkata in India alongside the action team there, in mobile school projects and Mother Teresa ones as well. Because of all the travelling, as well as seing the Kolkata team, we may even get a chance to see the Dehli and Thailand teams too. So, the adventure awaits us! We're so excited and can't wait to be in Bangladesh!