We will all be living together in two different homes.
Whilst in Bangladesh, we will be based in Dhaka and Chandraghona! For the first part, we will be in Dhaka at the home of Rodney and Ann who are friends of Bangladesh. During this time we will be getting involved in language training and just really getting to know Bangladesh before starting to work in AG Uttara Compassion School!
After this, we will then be getting involved in a varied programme of teaching and community work, which will involve time spent serving in community health programmes in Chandraghona, a more rural area of Bangladesh and at the Christian Hospital in Chandraghona. As well as working alongside medical staff at the hospital, we will also be helping with centenary preparation work, and teaching in a sunday school to the Bangladeshi children.
After our time here we will then head back to Dhaka and we will be working with the AG compassion schools and universities teaching English and getting involved in Drama, art and music classes .